Rochester Downtown Development Corp. Continues Work to Reinvigorate the Magnetic and Bustling Heart of Rochester

September 10, 2024

For Immediate Release


Rochester Downtown Development Corp. Continues Work to Reinvigorate the Magnetic and Bustling Heart of Rochester

ROCHESTER, NY-Rochester Downtown Development Corp. (RDDC) today announced more details about the expanded programs and services they are implementing to support downtown revitalization. This community-informed work will help to build a vibrant downtown core with active street life that is thriving, welcoming, and inclusive.

"This is a continuation of the work that RDDC has done for almost 50 years; working in the heart of downtown to help drive economic vitality," says Galin Brooks, President and CEO of RDDC.

"We listened to the community and heard repeatedly from people who live, work, and visit downtown that they want more from their downtown: more events, more amenities, more small businesses, more attractions, more livability, more activation, and beautification of public spaces. Going forward, expanded services will be funded voluntarily by a variety of downtown stakeholders, including RDDC members, individuals, and others interested in investing in the future and vibrancy of downtown."

Priority services include marketing, events, and activations, such as the Downtown Definitely series, small-scale classes and performances, and off-peak events. There will also be support for small and local businesses and livability services, and an emphasis on leveraging partnerships for public space enhancement, such as initiating historic downtown tours and engaging area music schools for on-street performances.

Partnerships with other downtown stakeholder community organizations have long been at the forefront of RDDC's approach to downtown revitalization. Dr. Roosvelt Mareus, Executive Director of Rochester Educational Opportunity Center (REOC) said, "Our connection to downtown and this effort is important as it fosters a partnership of information sharing and community that understands that the revitalization of the area facilitates jobs, business growth, and increased living opportunities for residents in Rochester and surrounding areas."

Continuing to invest in downtown revitalization is a critical component to a strong foundation for the downtown Rochester community and beyond.

Dr. Seanelle Hawkins, President and CEO of the Urban League of Rochester, NY, Inc., said, "A vibrant downtown is essential to creating a welcoming, safe, and inclusive environment for the individuals who visit the Urban League of Rochester and our dedicated staff. The health of our downtown directly impacts the neighborhood where we operate, and a revitalized downtown enhances the overall well-being of the city. It fosters economic growth by supporting small businesses, creating employment opportunities, and improving the quality of life for all who live, work, and engage with this community."

Indeed, as Eugenio Marlin, Executive Vice President of the Ibero-American Development Corporation said, "IADC recognizes that the vitality of downtown Rochester benefits all area residents, and we are currently developing affordable housing in the downtown area to bring life to the area and to help residents have access to the activities these Downtown revitalization efforts bring to the area."

Jim Muir, co-owner of downtown wine bar Unwine'd and liquor store 260 Wine & Spirits, said, "It's exciting to see everything that is new and changing in downtown Rochester. As a small business owner, we are happy to see the efforts toward revitalization and transformation of our downtown taking shape. There has been a lot of momentum over the past decade, and we want to see that continue."

While the work represents an expansion of services for the organization, the work of revitalization has always been at the core of RDDC's mission.

Long-time member and current board secretary of RDDC, Christine Vargas, CEO at Vargas Associates said, "RDDC's commitment to downtown is driven by the passion our members hold for making downtown a place for everyone - where residents, workers, and businesses can experience an economically vital and vibrant downtown community."

Planning and fundraising for this work will continue for several months, and more details and roll-out are planned to follow in early 2025.

About the Rochester Downtown Development Corporation

RDDC is a 501c3 non-profit organization founded in 1977 whose mission is to drive economic vitality in Downtown Rochester. RDDC accelerates downtown development by positioning and marketing the assets that attract businesses and investment, and it catalyzes innovative ideas that make downtown a more vibrant and inclusive community. In 2020, RDDC built The Commissary, the region's first and only food business incubator and shared kitchen.


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