Project Funding Resources

County of Monroe Industrial Development Agency
County development agency focused on business growth and the creation of new jobs through various incentives and tax break programs

Empire State Development Corporation โ€“ Finger Lakes Region
Empire State Development (ESD) is New Yorkโ€™s chief economic development agency. The mission of ESD is to promote job growth and economic opportunities through the use of loans, grants, tax credits, and other form of financial assistance

New York State Division of Housing and Community Renewal
Consists of all the stateโ€™s major housing and community renewal agencies. Can assist with finance & development tax incentives and programs, historic preservation, and community renewal

Community Preservation Corporation
In August 2014 the CPC announced a new $350 million fund to support the creation and preservation of affordable housing across New York City and State. This includes potential funding the the rehabilitation of historic buildings into residential.

Start-Up New York
State wide program to provide tax free zones and incentives for start-up businesses in New York State. These zones are 100% tax free for ten years. No income tax, business, corporate, state, or local taxes, sales and property taxes, of franchise fees

State Historic Preservation Office
Can provide guidance and links to those seeking to utilize state and federal historic tax credits

Preservation League of New York State
Provides grants, loans, and technical assistance for the stabilization, preservation, and renovation of historic properties in New York State

NYS Energy and Research Development Agency
State initiatives and incentives for businesses seeking to go green and save energy

Rochester Economic Development Corporation (REDCO)
REDCO can provide assistance to qualified development projects as well as provide technical and financial advice

Rochester Gas & Electric
RG&E has a variety of programs to assist you with your expansion, relocation, and energy efficiency objectives

Entities offering financial assistance for economic development